Redshift space distortions

The code "fisher_gsl.c" available below performs a Fisher matrix forecast for f.sigma8 or dD/dlna for a survey of given parameters as described in astro-ph/0810:1518.

As currently configured the code takes no command line arguments. The number of samples, survey volume, cosmology and galaxy properties (bias and number density) are set at the top of the routine main(). In its default configuration it assumes 4 samples with bias spaced between 1 and 2 and nbar of 5e-4 (h/Mpc)3 equally split among the 4 samples. It produces:

4 samples:
sample 0 : bias*sig8 = 0.9 +/- 0.0111381
sample 1 : bias*sig8 = 1.1 +/- 0.0116592
sample 2 : bias*sig8 = 1.3 +/- 0.0122564
sample 3 : bias*sig8 = 1.5 +/- 0.0129191
f*sig8 = 0.34822 +/- 0.0254702
The code makes use of the GSL libraries, which are available under the GNU public license. Instructions for compiling the code are provided in the header.

Please reference White, Song & Percival (2008) if you make use of the code.

NameSize (kB)Last modified
fisher_gsl.c 92008/10/08

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Last modified Wed Dec 3 09:02:40 2008