Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations

These data were generated as part of the research described in astro-ph/0607061. Please reference that paper if you make use of any of the catalogs or derived products below.

This is run 2. The countgroups files contain cumulative mass functions for this box, the pk files contain DM power spectra. The mock galaxy data can be found in the relevant redshift directory.

Index of BAO/Run2

NameSize (MB)Last modified
countgroups_0.1250.dat 02005/12/08
countgroups_0.1667.dat 02005/12/12
countgroups_0.2000.dat 02005/12/14
countgroups_0.2250.dat 02005/12/15
countgroups_0.2500.dat 02005/12/16
countgroups_0.2857.dat 02005/12/18
countgroups_0.3333.dat 02005/12/20
countgroups_0.4258.dat 02005/12/27
countgroups_0.5000.dat 02006/01/04
pk_0.2000.dat 02007/01/25
pk_0.2500.dat 02007/01/25
pk_0.3333.dat 02007/01/25
pk_0.5000.dat 02007/01/25
pk_1.0000.dat 02007/01/25
Z10 02006/08/04

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Last modified Thu Jan 25 08:18:34 2007